20 Mar, 2010

who’s next?

Posted by: ludiko boy In: ludiko

La teoria delle code- Sommatoria Kiù: a volte in coda devi aspettare il tuo numero per essere servito. Con i numeri romani vale sia per somma che per affiancamento

Queueing theory –  Kiù summation: sometimes while Kiùing you have to wait for your own number to be served.  In case of Roman numbers you can get it by summing or even by putting beside

The Kiùing theory is the mathematical study of waiting lines (or Kiù). The theory enables mathematical analysis of several related processes, including arriving at the (back of the) Kiù, waiting in the Kiù (essentially a storage process), and being served by the server(s) at the front of the Kiù. The theory permits the derivation and calculation of several performance measures including the average waiting time in the Kiù or the system, the expected number waiting or receiving service and the probability of encountering the system in certain states, such as empty, full, having an available server or having to wait a certain time to be served.
Ludiko e' un duo multidisciplinare composto da Andrea Ruschetti aka Ludiko boy e Francesca Mendolia aka Miss Paka.
Ludiko indaga e rivela il significato di GIOCARE/ GIOCO/ GIOCATORE.
"Giocare" come elemento centrale di azione,interazione, percezione e rappresentazione.
"Gioco" come strumento e scenario unico per potenziale espressivo e relazionale.
"Giocatore" come attitudine sociale contemporanea sospesa tra Puer Aeternus e Homo Ludens.
Le manifestazioni di Ludiko prendono forma imprevedibile tra oggetti, immagini, opere, video, performance ed installazioni.
ludikontact >>>>>>>>>>>
Ludiko is a multidisciplinary duo formed by Andrea Ruschetti aka Ludiko boy and Francesca Mendolia aka Miss Paka.
Ludiko investigates and reveals the full meaning of PLAY / GAME/ PLAYER.
"Play" as the central element for action, interaction, perception and representation.
"Game" as a tool, as a setting with a unique expressive and relational potential.
"Player" as a contemporary social attitude suspended between the PuerEternus and the Homo Ludens.
The manifestations by Ludiko reveal unexpected forms between objects, images, artworks, performances & installations.
ludikontact >>>>>>>>>>>
APPLY TO LUDIKO - Send your CV - Graphic Designers, 3D Designers, MultiPlayers