include("ludiko-var.php"); ?>
NOnNO >big wise grandfather SIsSi>little naughty princess
Read here the update Manifesto of the Kidult Art!
..and the story is round and goes high, the baloon too. (image made  by ludiko player Z. 2007)
Pozzo dei desideri….as kids do, we still hope it comes true
on the grass
new order disorder, true faith – italian res publica celebration
here we are in the video we made for ToysforGood exhibition
tx to Free Willy Astrology
“..potrebbe suonare male alle persone sensibili al problema del lavoro minorile. ” M.Parma
Enjoy the our Toys cemetery at ToysForGood Exhibition >> opening date 28.05.09 –Â Firenze
Have you designed the above? Do you come from Naples? if yes, you can join ludiko & play with us!
Il Gattolente will drive Ludiko to ArtyParty ! MissPaka on the wall.
for 7Â chakras
 Preview taken from the installation “the Toys Cemetery” we made for TOYSForGOOD Exhibition (Firenze 28Maggio-28Giugno) anteprima dell’installazione “il Cimitero dei giocattoli” realizzata per la mostra TOYSForGOOD (Firenze 28Maggio-28Giugno)
Kidul Art – visual manifesto art.1 we belong to EDGA EmotionDesignGioco(play)Art – EmozioneDesignGiocoArte
Kidul Art – visual manifesto  art.3 in UFFA we trust Use, Fruition, Function, Application of the object arise personal and collective scenary of dynamic expression. Utilizzo, Fruizione, Funzione, Applicazione dell’oggetto alimentano scenari personali o collettivi di espressione dinamica.
Queue at Hotel One – Kabul 1971 – “a permanent performance place, a contribution to the relationship between art and life” “un luogo performance permanente, un luogo contributo al rapporto tra arte e vita” A. Boetti
 Kidul Art – visual manifesto  art.2 We Live On the OPAMPICE line no limit or borderline between ObjectProductActionManifestationPromotioInteractionCommunicationExpression nessun limite o confine tra OggettoProdottoAzioneManifestazionePromozioneInterazioneComunicazioneEspressione
see here “16r” Video squiiiiiz
listening to Sarah’s voice