based on luca trevisani work in progress at ludiko village
include("ludiko-var.php"); ?>
based on luca trevisani work in progress at ludiko village
a klein step for ludiko boy, a big one for the humanity
Nowadays Paper toys are so popular in the contemporary community of graphic designers.  When I was a little boy I used to play with a kind of ancestor book “LE CARTOCOMICHE” by Pellicano 1973. I found it back during my summer research camp at Boisi home library …super wow!!
 a book can contain a very personal inner code
>>Colors dec98 said: “..La barbie è la moneta di scambio per conquistare il bacio di una bambina alla quale si fornisce intanto un modello subliminale cui confrontarsi: capelli biondi, rossetto rosa, unghie dipinte, minigonna. …e l’esercito con i soldatini o l’aviazione o i trasporti con le infinite varietà di macchine, treni e moto, stazioni di […]
I discovered the amazing history of norman wilkinson… an art attack to win a war! tx to luca
an artist looks at the inside of him, a creative person at the outside
a foot said to the other, or a shoe said to his foot: “we are unique let’s stay united, come on walk with me!”
ludiko village is a place where a cat and a bird can well live together drawings by Lorenza Boisi
new sofa and other valuable things at the ludiko village – level art
 ..and right today they all stopped  working. I had to spent hours to repair them insted of reading my today favourite artist David Shrigley. PS: for optical technicians- the photocells did not work because they suddenly stopped to watch each other in the pupills
who is the doll (human object)? the toy or the player?
“I was lost after fighting hard with local Santa Klaus.. while I  was dreaming my grave she suddenly appeared in the sky, full…over there I found the peace, I saw my shining star , I found a message by g. and I easily wrote the essential list of questions concerning design, art and communication…”
training – jumping constantly for catching the floating waves saltare costantemente per catturare onde galleggianti
our Bi-lingual manifesto now available. read it playfully meanwhile noi siamo/we are in HOLiDAY!
“il MARE che nutre la vita, la TERRA che nutre il pensiero….fatti per fondersi e rinnegarsi….per rendere il mondo così strano ovunque si abbracciano…il mare, l’amato mare, che dà all’uomo l’idea di essere senza casa…di non avere altro che i propri sogni…” C. Morley
whoever you are, explorer or charming tourist you can’t miss the best summer reading ever! come back here the 4th of Aug to take your free copy chiunque tua sia, esploratore o  turista fascinosa non puoi perderti la miglior lettura dell’estate! torna a trovarci qui il 4 Ago per avere la tua copia omaggio
playing with chimicalsounds! Nice time spent with Rachida Zaini
80’s circus connection from the top to the bottom: alberto camerini, donatella rettore, renato zero, loredana bertè
good vibes @ luca’s 30 b-day multicolors celebration.
sì portami con te tra misteri di angeli e sorrisi demoni e li trasformerò in coriandoli di luce tenera tx to my closest fairy
liquidliquid: Ludiko will join Mr Richard McGuire at Boisbuchet!
ludikovillage levelOne is welcoming Lorenza & Luca
It holds you tight / It grinds you / It tires you out/ It stresses you out / It tears you up You pull it / You take it / you wear it It takes you / it wears you / It wants you / It kisses you You live it / It never leaves […]